Part 1
Hi Guys! I’m starting a new series for anyone interested in starting their own little side business hosting craft nights in their town/city. I’ve been successful for the last several years running mine. If you go here you will see how I describe what I offer on my website. I hope to give you a little insight into WHY I started doing them and HOW I run them in the next several posts. However, if you’d like all the details plus access to my private Facebook group where I’ll be able to answer all your questions, purchase my in depth guide HERE.
For those of you that follow me over on IG you may or may not know that for the last two-three years I’ve offered craft nights to my local friends/family/followers. Also, you may or may not know that I went to school for Art. I have my Bachelor Degree in Fine arts and a Master’s Degree in Education specifically in Art. I’m a certified Art Teacher and taught at the elementary school level for almost a decade. I stopped teaching after my second child was born and I’m blessed to be able to be home with my children as a stay at home mom. After I stopped working I missed the creative outlet and the social aspect of going to work. Since I was home ALL the time with my littles, I began decorating and making crafts for my home. I’ve always loved everything home decor and was constantly making things for my house. It dawned on me that my background as an Art Teacher combined with my love for decorating would be an interesting little side business. Hence, Jordecor was born.
Now let me say that personally I don’t think you need a degree or background in fine art to hold these craft nights and earn money. However you do need to be knowledgable in YOUR craft. Know your speciality whether it be; knitting, macrame, jewelry making, sewing, stained glass, metal work, glass blowing, caligraphy, sign making etc. Whatever your THING is, you can translate it into a big component and money earning part of your business. The more you know your craft and share that passion with others, they will want to learn it from you.
Thanks to businesses like Paint nights, Paint Bar, etc.. group “making” is quite popular right now and there is room for crafter’s too! My speciality is “Home Decor Craft Nights”. Every craft I organize for my attendants is a decor item that my guests can immediately use in their home. My goal is that they will leave and be excited to display it! In hopes it never see’s the trash can and I’m confident it won’t because I search for projects that are on trend, “pinterest worthy” and always fit into the current seasonal or up coming season for decor.
Step 1. Create a name for your business. Pick something that suits your craft, your name and/or personality.
Step 2. Make a logo.
Sketch it out, hire someone or use your craft to make it. However you want to do it. Anything that you can do to put imagery to your business name will help people remember you on social channels. Eventually you could use this for business cards, posters etc…
Step 3. Set up a Facebook and Instagram account.
Social media is hands down the best way to promote your new business. As well as to show what you can do! Instagram is the modern take on an artist portfolio. Share your craft, take photos of your different projects. Facebook allows you to spread the message to everyone you know which really gets the ball rolling.
*****If you are a crafter/maker visiting from my Instagram account chances are you already have all the above going for you, which is awesome. The big component in starting is most likely number 4.******
I call these my “Public Craft Nights” as they are open to all that purchase tickets before hand. When I first started I hosted a couple of these in my dining room. My house is small guys and my first group I had about 8 women. Some of them were local and lived closed by and some were friends of friends I had never met. I loved opening my home but at the same time it was challenging with little kids who just wanted to be involved. My Craft Nights are a little escape from the Mom Life if you know what I mean. So finding a spot outside the home was crucial for me.
When I decided to move it outside he home I called local shops and restaurants. I ultimately made it work with a local coffee shop close to my house (less travel for me) that was big enough to hold up to 20 or so people. Plus, I like supporting local and they are open in the evening, they serve soup/salad and beer/wine so I knew it would be a great atmosphere for hosting craft nights. You could also consider a room in a church, or inside a store, if it fit with your craft. Explore all possibilities.
The big thing that I’m fortunate for in this part of my decorating business is that I don’t pay to rent the space as I’m bringing in business that they wouldn’t usually have otherwise. I secured a re-occuring date with them to keep it easy and consistent for them as well as for myself and my attendants. We settled on the 3rd Thursday of every month. I bring everything and I clean everything up before i go. So far it has worked really well.
In my next post I’ll share how I Plan, Price and Promote my craft nights.
The joy/therapy of creating something is so rewarding and those who have the skill and are willing to share it with others, will gain that same reward x10 while also making a litlte extra money (who doesn’t like that?!) I’ve reached so many more people through my craft nights than just making and selling it. I’ve met people from not just my town, surrounding towns as well, they’ve actually traveled to make with me. It is such a cool thing!
Please let me know if this was helpful. Would you like to see more content like this? What specific questions do you have moving forward? I’d also love to hear what your craft is!
Love this!
Thank you!!
I love this idea! I used to do this at my church and help ladies with their crafts. That was so long ago and I never thought to do it on the side and make a little bit of money from it. I can’t wait for your next segment explaining pricing and such.
My questions are:
Do you plan out your craft projects for the entire year so they have a schedule and can see it or not?
Can you explain how the night goes-how much interaction & leading do you do?
Can you provide all of the crafts you worked on?
Thanks so much!
Thank you! I”ll try my best to answer all of these.
Love this!!! Thanks so much for sharing, can’t wait for the future posts, especially how you price out your supplies, craft nights, etc.
Thank you Jenna!!
I’d love to have book
I cannot find Part 2 of this post. I have searched your site. Can you please help me find Part 2? Thanks! This information is so helpful!